import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg as sla
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
Here we define the Poisson operator, the residual calculation (without building the matrix), relaxation, the restriction operation, and interpolation.
def hnorm(r):
"""define ||r||_h = h ||r||_2"""
n = len(r)
h = 1.0 / (n+1)
hrnorm = h * np.linalg.norm(r)
return hrnorm
def poissonop(n):
Poisson operator h^{-2} * [-1 2 1]
A = (n+1)**2 * sparse.diags([-1, 2, -1], [-1, 0, 1], shape=(n,n), format='csr')
return A
def residual(u, f):
f - A u
n = len(f)
r = np.zeros(len(u))
r[1:-1] = f[1:-1] - ((n+1)**2) * (2 * u[1:-1] - u[2:] - u[:-2])
r[0] = f[0] - ((n+1)**2) * (2 * u[0] - u[1])
r[-1] = f[-1] - ((n+1)**2) * (2 * u[-1] - u[-2])
return r
def relax(u, f, nu):
Weighted Jacobi
n = len(u)
Dinv = 1.0 / (2.0 * ((n+1)**2))
omega = 2.0 / 3.0
unew = u.copy()
for steps in range(nu):
unew = unew + omega * Dinv * residual(unew, f)
return unew
def interpolate(uc):
"""interpolate u of size 2**(k-1)-1 to 2**(k)-1"""
uf = np.zeros((2*len(uc) + 1,))
uf[:-1:2] = 0.5 * uc
uf[1::2] = uc
uf[2::2] += 0.5 * uc
return uf
def restrict(uf):
"""restrict u of size 2**(k)-1 to 2**(k-1)-1"""
uc = 0.25 * uf[:-1:2] + 0.5 * uf[1::2] + 0.25 * uf[2::2]
return uc
Here we define a number of different cycles. A V-cycle down to $2^{kmin}-1$ (vcycle) and a two level cycle (vcycle2).
def vcycle(kmax, kmin, u, f, nu):
ulist = [None for k in range(kmax+1)]
flist = [None for k in range(kmax+1)]
print('grid: ', end=' ')
# down cycle
for k in range(kmax, kmin, -1):
print(k, end=' ')
u = relax(u, f, nu)
ulist[k] = u
flist[k] = f
f = restrict(residual(u, f))
u = np.zeros(f.shape)
ulist[k-1] = u
flist[k-1] = f
# coarsest grid
print(kmin, end=' ')
Ac = poissonop(2**kmin - 1)
flist[kmin] = f
ulist[kmin] = sla.spsolve(Ac, f)
# up cycle
for k in range(kmin+1, kmax+1, 1):
print(k, end=' ')
u = ulist[k]
f = flist[k]
uc = ulist[k-1]
u += interpolate(uc)
u = relax(u, f, nu)
return u
def vcycle3(u, f, nu):
f0 = f.copy()
u0 = u.copy()
u0 = relax(u0, f0, nu)
f1 = restrict(residual(u0, f0))
u1 = relax(np.zeros(len(f1)), f1, nu)
f2 = restrict(residual(u1, f1))
A2 = poissonop(len(f2))
u2 = sla.spsolve(A2, f2)
u1 += interpolate(u2)
u1 = relax(u1, f1, 1)
u0 += interpolate(u1)
u0 = relax(u0, f0, 1)
return u0
def vcycle2(u0, f0, nu):
u0 = relax(u0, f0, nu)
f1 = restrict(residual(u0, f0))
u1 = sla.spsolve(poissonop(len(f1)), f1)
ui = interpolate(u1)
u0 = u0 + ui
u0 = relax(u0, f0, nu)
return u0
kmax = 7
kmin = 2
# set up fine problem
n = 2**kmax - 1
xx = np.linspace(0, 1, n+2)[1:-1]
f = 2 - 12 * xx**2
ustar = xx**4 - xx**2
A = poissonop(len(f))
udstar = sla.spsolve(A, f)
print(hnorm(ustar - udstar))
u = np.random.rand(len(f))
# set up smoothing sweeps
nu = 2
res = []
err = []
res.append(hnorm(residual(u, f)))
for i in range(12):
u = vcycle(kmax, kmin, u, f, nu)
#u = vcycle3(u, f, nu)
res.append(hnorm(residual(u, f)))
err.append(hnorm(u - ustar))
plt.plot(u, 'g-', lw=3)
plt.plot(ustar, 'bo', lw=3)
res = np.array(res)
print(res[1:] / res[:-1])
for r, e in zip(res, err):
print('residual: %5.5e error: %5.5e' % (r, e))