Butterfly Factorization¶
Following the paper "An algorithm for the rapid evaluation of special function transforms", by Michael O’Neil, Franco Woolfe, Vladimir Rokhlin.
In [2]:
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import scipy.linalg.interpolative as sli
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.special as sps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
Set some parameters: (ignore nlevels
for now)
In [95]:
#nlevels = 4
#nlevels = 7
nlevels = 9
n = 2**(nlevels + 2)
In [96]:
def make_dft(n, power):
omega = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j/n)
ns = np.arange(n)
exponents = ns.reshape(-1, 1) * ns
return omega**(power*exponents)
dft = make_dft(n, power=1)
idft = make_dft(n, power=-1)
In [75]:
la.norm(np.abs(idft @ dft) - n*np.eye(n))
Verify the FFT property:
In [76]:
quotient = dft[::2, :n//2] / make_dft(n//2, power=1)
print(np.max(np.abs(quotient - 1)))
In [77]:
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f661aba7170>
Consider the the claim that the numerical rank of the kernel $e^{ixt}$ for $x\in[0,X]$ and $t\in[0,T]$ depends only on the product $XT$:
In [78]:
T = 15
X = 15
resolution = 200
x, t = np.mgrid[0:X:resolution * 1j, 0:T:resolution * 1j]
mat = np.exp(1j*x*t)
plt.imshow(mat[:, ::-1].T.real, extent=(0, X, 0, T))
scale = 6
for exp in np.linspace(-1.25, 1.25, 5):
subX = 2**exp * scale
subT = 2**-exp * scale
plt.gca().add_patch(Rectangle((0, 0), subX, subT, fill=False))
# Observe: These are all the same matrix!
In [79]:
Xfacs = np.linspace(1/2, 2, 30)
Tfacs = 1/Xfacs
# Change me
scale = np.pi
resolution = 30
for Xfac, Tfac in zip(Xfacs, Tfacs):
x, t = np.mgrid[0:Xfac*scale:resolution * 1j, 0:Tfac*scale:resolution * 1j]
mat = np.exp(1j*x*t)
_, sigma, _ = la.svd(mat)
print(f"{Xfac:.2f} {Tfac:.2f}\t", np.sum(sigma > 1e-7))
0.50 2.00 11 0.55 1.81 11 0.60 1.66 11 0.66 1.53 11 0.71 1.41 11 0.76 1.32 11 0.81 1.23 11 0.86 1.16 11 0.91 1.09 11 0.97 1.04 11 1.02 0.98 11 1.07 0.94 11 1.12 0.89 11 1.17 0.85 11 1.22 0.82 11 1.28 0.78 11 1.33 0.75 11 1.38 0.72 11 1.43 0.70 11 1.48 0.67 11 1.53 0.65 11 1.59 0.63 11 1.64 0.61 11 1.69 0.59 11 1.74 0.57 11 1.79 0.56 11 1.84 0.54 11 1.90 0.53 11 1.95 0.51 11 2.00 0.50 11
The Legendre Vandermonde / Transform¶
In [82]:
lege_nodes = sps.legendre(n).weights[:, 0]
lege_vdm = np.array([sps.eval_legendre(i, lege_nodes) for i in range(n)]).T
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f66135a4c50>
The Chebyshev Transform¶
In [57]:
k = n-1
i = np.arange(0, k+1)
x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 3000)
nodes = np.cos(i/k*np.pi)
i = np.arange(n, dtype=np.float64)
nodes = np.cos((2*(i+1)-1)/(2*n)*np.pi)
chebyshev_vdm = np.cos(i*np.arccos(nodes.reshape(-1, 1)))
In [58]:
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f6618179340>
A Random Matrix¶
In [59]:
randmat = np.random.randn(n, n)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f66180aa000>
In [97]:
class Level:
def __init__(self, level, nlevels, n=None):
self.level = level
self.nlevels = nlevels
if level > nlevels:
raise ValueError("level too large")
if n is None:
n = 2**nlevels
self.n = n
def nblock_rows(self):
return 2**self.level
def block_nrows(self):
return self.n//self.nblock_rows
def nblock_cols(self):
return 2**(self.nlevels-self.level)
def block_ncols(self):
return self.n//self.nblock_cols
def matview(self, bi, bj, mat):
br = self.block_nrows
bc = self.block_ncols
return mat[br*bi:br*(bi+1), bc*bj:bc*(bj+1)]
def rowview(self, bi, vec):
br = self.block_nrows
return vec[br*bi:br*(bi+1)]
def colview(self, bj, vec):
bc = self.block_ncols
return vec[bc*bj:bc*(bj+1)]
In [98]:
Level(0, nlevels, 256).matview(0, 0, dft).shape
(256, 0)
Rank-Revealing Factorization¶
In [99]:
epsilon = 1e-10
In [100]:
# ID
def id_decomp(A):
k, idx, proj = sli.interp_decomp(A, epsilon)
sort_idx = np.argsort(idx)
B = A[:,idx[:k]]
P = np.hstack([np.eye(k), proj])[:,np.argsort(idx)]
return B, P
In [101]:
# Rank-Revealing Truncated QR
def qr_decomp(A):
q, r, p = la.qr(A, pivoting=True, mode="economic")
diag_r = np.diag(r)
r = r[:, np.argsort(p)]
flags = np.abs(diag_r) >= epsilon
q = q[:, flags]
r = r[flags]
return q, r
In [102]:
#decomp = qr_decomp
decomp = id_decomp
In [103]:
def make_low_rank_matrix(n):
A0 = np.random.randn(n, n)
U0, sigma0, VT0 = la.svd(A0)
sigma = np.exp(-np.arange(n))
return (U0 * sigma).dot(VT0)
Atest = make_low_rank_matrix(100)
Btest, Ptest = decomp(Atest)
la.norm(Atest - Btest@Ptest)/la.norm(Atest)
In [104]:
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f66182e2660>
In [105]:
A = dft
# keys: [level][i, j]
Ps = [{} for i in range(nlevels+1)]
Bs = [{} for i in range(nlevels+1)]
Level 0¶
In [106]:
lev = Level(0, nlevels, n)
assert lev.nblock_rows == 1
for i in range(lev.nblock_rows):
for j in range(lev.nblock_cols):
b, p = Bs[0][i, j], Ps[0][i, j] = decomp(lev.matview(i, j, A))
if (i, j) == (0, 0):
print(f"B: {b.shape[0]}x{b.shape[1]} P: {p.shape[0]}x{p.shape[1]}")
B: 2048x4 P: 4x4
Levels 1, ..., L¶
In [107]:
for ilev in range(1, nlevels + 1):
lev = Level(ilev, nlevels, n)
for j in range(lev.nblock_rows):
for k in range(lev.nblock_cols):
# only process even j
if j % 2 != 0:
bblock = np.hstack((
Bs[ilev-1][j//2, 2*k],
Bs[ilev-1][j//2, 2*k+1],
bblock_top = bblock[:lev.block_nrows]
bblock_bottom = bblock[lev.block_nrows:]
assert len(bblock_top)*2 == len(bblock)
Bs[ilev][j, k], Ps[ilev][j, k] = decomp(bblock_top)
Bs[ilev][j+1, k], Ps[ilev][j+1, k] = decomp(bblock_bottom)
if (j, k) == (0, 0):
tB = Bs[ilev][j, k].shape
tP = Ps[ilev][j, k].shape
f"Level {ilev}: {lev.block_nrows}x{lev.block_ncols} "
f"Btop: {bblock_top.shape[0]}x{bblock_top.shape[1]} -> B: {tB[0]}x{tB[1]} P: {tP[0]}x{tP[1]}")
Level 1: 1024x8 Btop: 1024x8 -> B: 1024x8 P: 8x8 Level 2: 512x16 Btop: 512x16 -> B: 512x16 P: 16x16 Level 3: 256x32 Btop: 256x32 -> B: 256x17 P: 17x32 Level 4: 128x64 Btop: 128x34 -> B: 128x17 P: 17x34 Level 5: 64x128 Btop: 64x34 -> B: 64x17 P: 17x34 Level 6: 32x256 Btop: 32x34 -> B: 32x17 P: 17x34 Level 7: 16x512 Btop: 16x34 -> B: 16x16 P: 16x34 Level 8: 8x1024 Btop: 8x32 -> B: 8x8 P: 8x32 Level 9: 4x2048 Btop: 4x16 -> B: 4x4 P: 4x16
In [108]:
levels = []
ranks = []
for ilev in range(1, nlevels + 1):
plt.plot(levels, ranks, "o-")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Rank')
Only the last-level $B$ actually needs to be retained:
In [109]:
LLB = Bs[-1]
del Bs
First, generate a random input:
In [110]:
x = np.random.randn(n)
In [111]:
# keys: [ilevel][i, j]
betas = [{} for i in range(nlevels+1)]
Level 0¶
In [112]:
lev = Level(0, nlevels, n)
assert lev.nblock_rows == 1
for i in range(lev.nblock_rows):
for j in range(lev.nblock_cols):
betas[0][i, j] = Ps[0][i, j] @ lev.colview(j, x)
Level 1, ..., L¶
In [113]:
for ilev in range(1, nlevels + 1):
lev = Level(ilev, nlevels, n)
for j in range(lev.nblock_rows):
for k in range(lev.nblock_cols):
beta_glued = np.hstack((
betas[ilev-1][j//2, 2*k],
betas[ilev-1][j//2, 2*k+1]
betas[ilev][j, k] = Ps[ilev][j, k] @ beta_glued
if (j, k) == (0, 0):
p = Ps[ilev][j, k]
print(f"P: {p.shape[0]}x{p.shape[1]} * ({lev.nblock_rows}x{lev.nblock_cols} = {lev.nblock_rows*lev.nblock_cols})")
P: 8x8 * (2x256 = 512) P: 16x16 * (4x128 = 512) P: 17x32 * (8x64 = 512) P: 17x34 * (16x32 = 512) P: 17x34 * (32x16 = 512) P: 17x34 * (64x8 = 512) P: 16x34 * (128x4 = 512) P: 8x32 * (256x2 = 512) P: 4x16 * (512x1 = 512)
In [114]:
Ax = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.complex128)
lev = Level(nlevels, nlevels, n)
assert lev.nblock_cols == 1
for j in range(lev.nblock_rows):
for k in range(lev.nblock_cols):
lev.rowview(j, Ax)[:] = LLB[j, k] @ betas[nlevels][j, k]
In [115]:
la.norm(Ax - A@x)/la.norm(A@x)
In [ ]: